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Carrboro JagTheatre Students Experience a Weekend of Theatre in New York City

The Carrboro High School JagTheatre Department enjoyed a theatre-filled weekend April 19-21st in New York City. 

Nineteen students and 5 adults visited Mood Fabrics, the Drama Book Shop, the Capezio flagship store, Times Square, and Central Park.  The Museum of Broadway gave everyone an up-close view of both show artifacts and behind-the-scenes looks at the technical aspects of theatre. The group also toured Radio City Music Hall where they learned about the history of the theater and met a Rockette. 

An added bonus of the trip was the opportunity to meet up with JagTheatre alumni who live in the NYC area.  Students and chaperones saw Hadestown and Sweeney Todd, and performances at Gayle’s Broadway Rose. 

The highlight of the weekend was participating in a Stage Combat and Song & Dance workshop with Broadway Up Close at Pearl Studios.  For the stage combat workshop, the group learned from Lisa Kopitsky and Jake Parisse who work with the Metropolitan Opera as well with other renowned companies.  For the Song & Dance workshop the group worked with A.J. Holmes from Team StarKid and Max Kumangai from Hadestown, which the group had attended the night before.  Students were put through the gauntlet of learning official Hadestown choreography and vocals, and everyone rose to the challenge.

All students who traveled to New York with JagTheatre are in a Theatre, Technical Theatre, or Global Cinema course, and / or they are members of the school’s International Thespian Society (ITS), Troupe 8506.  ITS has troupes all over the country and is open to any student involved in high school theatre that earns at least 10 points by being in or working on at least two school productions.

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